Our services.

starTXT.ai extracts and publishes text-based information for use in urban planning, architecture and construction.

How it works.

Turn unstructured documents into structured information, in three steps:

1 – Point to your original, unstructured data

Email, upload or link starTXT to your unstructured text documents. And tell us what you are looking for.

2 – Let starTXT do the processing

starTXT extracts relevant information from the shared documents.

3 – Review outputs and publish structured data

After a check, publish outputs to applications you choose, ready for use.

Create Linked Data in one go.

starTXT connects to Laces Hub. Laces Hub enables you to publish high-quality, reusable information to applications for asset development, design and engineering. For example, publish to:

Get your structured data in any file format you want.

When you need file exports, starTXT outputs to a growing list of generic and application specific formats. Missing a format? Please let us know.

How may we help you?

Connect with us.


Sales and general inquiry:
+316 818 535 11